New reflexes to adopt in spring
The days are getting longer and the sun is gently warming us up. It is time to take care of ourselves, to energise our bodies and minds. We've adopted new reflexes during lockdown to get ready for the sunny days.
Change your skincare routine
During the winter, we protected our face with fat-rich skincare products, perfect for reinforcing the hydrolipidic film in the face of cold and bad weather. With the arrival of warmer weather, rich-textured creams tend to liquefy in the heat, leaving the skin shiny. We therefore opt for a lighter texture that's still bursting with moisturizing active ingredients.
For combination to oily skin, gel textures are perfect, and can be enriched with matifying active ingredients.
Dry skin, on the other hand, gains in comfort with moisturizing emulsions.
To lose your endive complexion a little faster, add a drop ofcarrot essential oil to a vegetable oil adapted to your skin type, and apply in the morning or evening. If you prefer a tightening or smoothing effect, swap the carrot for a drop of rosewood or geranium essential oil.
We boost our hair
Is your hair dry and dull?
Soak your hair in ultra-nourishingavocado oil for ½ hour on normal hair, or overnight on very dry, frizzy hair. Smooth the lengths strand by strand, without touching the scalp, then opt for a sulfate-free shampoo that's gentler on the fiber.
In case of hair loss, add two drops ofBay de Saint Thomas essential oil tomustard vegetable oil, then gently massage the scalp.
This cocktail boosts blood circulation and stimulates hair growth.

We give ourselves a "Glowy" complexion

Looking for luminous, fresh skin? Opt for a transparent complexion to let the light through.
After applying your day cream, dab a concealer on the areas to be corrected (dark circles, sides of the nose, imperfections...). Then mix a drop of moisturizing serum and a little fluid foundation on your hand. Apply the mixture with a sponge for a light, fresh result. Finish by dabbing a little peach-colored cream blush (suitable for all skin tones) onto the rounded cheekbone. You can also create a "eau de teint", a way of depositing a veil of color on the skin.
In the palm of the hand, apply a small amount of gelled moisturizing lotion, then tap a blush brush impregnated with loose powder onto the lotion. Apply to the face with circular movements for a pretty complexion effect.
A mini detox
Our bodies need to eliminate winter fatigue and energize themselves.
According to the principles of Chinese medicine, spring is the season of the liver. An easy cure is black radish juice every morning to drain the liver and gallbladder.
Another option is a lemon juice cure.
For 21 days, drink the juice of half a lemon every morning, with lukewarm water. Lemon is an alkalizing agent, acting on the excess acidity present in the body as a result of stress, medication, smoking and the consumption of meat, sugar, cereals, etc. Warm water stimulates intestinal activity.
For self-massage, massage the liver with the flat of your hand (right side under the ribs), using a mixture of vegetable oil andessential oil of carrot or lemon (6 drops of vegetable oil + ½ drop of essential oil).

We take advantage of this unprecedented period to take a break.
Away from our daily frenzy, we take time for ourselves, taking up meditation, dance or a few yoga movements each day. We relearn to do just one thing at a time. We reconnect with our senses with a simple exercise: in the lotus position or sitting on a chair, back straight, feet flat, we inhale the scent of cedar essential oil, distilled on a cotton pad placed on a dish or in a rotting pot.
On a day-to-day basis, you can create a benevolent atmosphere in the home by using geranium essential oil in a diffuser or on a cotton pad placed in the living room.
When you wake up in bed, breathe in gently, then breathe out quickly. Repeat a dozen times, to energize the organs and blood, which have remained in horizontal stagnation overnight. Toxins are eliminated and the digestive system is ready to face the day.
In the evening, we prefer relaxed breathing. Lying down, breathe out longer than you breathe in, as if gently blowing out a candle. Repeat a dozen times.