A gentle winter
The change of season is an opportunity to rejuvenate, to put your body in the green, to nourish yourself with positive thoughts... And to enjoy the gentle rays of the sun, even if the days are short.
Taking care of your skin
Winter puts the skin to the test, especially sensitive skin. The cold, wind and rain, as well as the back-and-forth movement between a heated room and the icy outdoors, tend to weaken the skin's hydrolipidic film. You can protect your skin by layering skincare and make-up products. Slip a moisturizing serum under your day cream. Highly concentrated in active ingredients, it energizes the skin and replenishes the cutaneous barrier with water. Next, choose a moisturizing and protective day cream: rich in oil for dry skin, lighter for oily skin. Forget the impalpable gel textures we love in summer, which are far too light.
On the make-up side, you can apply a little foundation, especially on the cheeks to protect the skin. Cream-textured blushes are preferred, as they don't dry out the skin. And we apply a thick lip balm throughout the day, and in the evening before going to bed.
The body also needs our full attention. With the cold and friction from clothing, there's every chance of crocodile skin. In the shower, use a rich shower gel, enriched with nourishing active ingredients, or a shower oil. On leaving the shower, while the skin is still damp, massage in a vegetable oil, perfect for protecting and repairing the hydrolipidic film. You can also choose a sufficiently oily skincare product, such as a nourishing balm.

Rebalance your diet

Since the start of the school year, and the second confinement, stress and fatigue are omnipresent. We can tend to forget ourselves. Fast food shopping, ordering pizzas or sushi at the last minute, spacing out your exercise sessions are not going to help you regain a healthy lifestyle.
Get into a good rhythm by preparing a well-thought-out weekly shopping list, with enough fresh fruit and vegetables to eat every day, and homemade preparations. Ideally, you should plan your meals in advance, so as not to be caught short mid-week and end up eating fast food.
You can save time by preparing vegetables at the weekend (washed, peeled and chopped) and storing them in the freezer to preserve their nutrients.
A detox day
By putting the digestive system to rest for 24 hours, we gain in energy. Take advantage of a quiet day at home, on a Sunday for example, to consume only vegetable broths and soups, with their draining properties. Throughout the day, drink at least two liters of water.
Liver, skin and kidneys are lightened. The following days, the complexion is clearer as the skin has eliminated toxins. The body's functions are boosted, which also promotes healthy nail and hair growth.

Fill up on vitamin D
We all know that vitamin D is essential for fixing calcium in the bones of the young, preventing osteoporosis in the elderly and preventing fatigue. Yet 80% of the French population is deficient in vitamin D (SUVIMAX data). So, ideally, from October to April, take 5 drops of vitamin D a day (available in pharmacies).
On sunny days, the sun takes over. In fact, in adulthood, exposing the face and forearms to the sun for 10 to 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week, is enough for the skin to synthesize sufficient vitamin D. We prefer drops to "quarterly" ampoules of vitamin D, to ensure constant levels in the body.
Take life in stride
Sophie Trem, creator of the blog "The Other Art of Living" (well-being, lifestyle, food), shares her 5 keys to positive thinking. Throughout the pages, she distills simple exercises, testimonials and mantras for everyday use. It's the perfect way to get through the year with a bang!
La Good Mood Class by Sophie Trem, Editions Albin Michel, €17.90.
@theotherartofliving @thegoodmoodclass
Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, Nutriotionniste, author with Anne Dufour and Catherine Dupin of the book, Je me soigne avec les mésonutriments, Editions Leduc.s, 18€.