True or false: Preconceived ideas about coconut oil.
Many of us started our natural DIY recipes with coconut oil. This multi-purpose oil is a real Swiss army knife in cosmetics! It can be used for everything: Scrubs, oil soaks, treatment oils, skin, face, hair, baby and even toothpaste! Can you believe it?
What's more, its scent, reminiscent of holidays, is a little island treasure! However, we have a lot of preconceived ideas about coconut oil. At WAAM, we like to get to the bottom of these ideas and bring you the facts. So here are 8 facts about coconut oil.
Coconut oil

Coconut oil nourishes the skin
TRUE...All good quality vegetable oils soften and hold cells together, helping to maintain moisture. Coconut oil prevents the epidermis from letting water evaporate, and above all, it doesn't let microbes through. Even though it's great for dry skin, avoid using coconut oil on the face for oily to combination skin, preferring to use it on the body. Coconut oil is comedogenic. This means it can clog skin pores and encourage the development of imperfections. In this case, it's best to use argan, avocado, jojoba or hazelnut oil for your face.
Coconut oil dries out hair
FALSE... Like the skin, coconut oil maintains moisture in the hair fiber. You can use it in an oil bath before or after shampooing to facilitate detangling. It also helps care for the scalp, and a healthy scalp promotes hair growth.
Rich in saturated fatty acids, it's bad for your health
FALSE... Coconut oil is indeed very rich in saturated fatty acids, but it's not bad for your health as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Coconut oil makes you lose weight:
FALSE... Coconut oil doesn't make you slim, but it doesn't make you fat either! However, you mustn't overuse it. However, make sure that the oil you buy is edible and extracted from first cold-pressing for better quality. You'll delight your taste buds with its little taste of the tropics!
Coconut oil is good for cooking :
TRUE... You can use coconut oil to cook and simmer delicious dishes. Coconut oil can be heated to very high temperatures without being denatured. It's also a real asset for vegans and vegetarians, as it's a perfect substitute for butter: you can bake pastries and tarts just as easily as with butter.

And what about everyday aches and pains?

Coconut oil cures mouth ulcers
TRUE... Coconut oil is antimicrobial and fights some of the bacterial strains present in the mouth. Rinsing the mouth with a tablespoon of coconut oil is an ancestral practice known as : "oil pulling". Its antimicrobial properties help inhibit the action of bacteria and prevent the infection of lesions. The lauric acid naturally present in coconut oil helps reduce plaque build-up if mouthwashes are performed daily.
Coconut oil will get rid of lice
TRUE... When applied as an oil bath to contaminated hair, coconut oil acts as a smothering agent. The effects and texture of this thick oil rapidly obstruct the respiratory orifices of these little parasites. You'll be rid of them in no time. For greater effectiveness, you can cover your head with a scarf, bonnet or even cling film and leave on for a few hours.
If you'd like to find out more about coconut oil, check out our blog post " Everything you need to know about... coconut oil "!